Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Tower of Babel, 1563
My research involves an ongoing philological engagement with the collected works of German integral philosopher, Jean Gebser, and French Hermetic philosopher, René Schwaller de Lubicz. I have also translated material by Henry Corbin (on Islamic and Persian alchemy), Hans Thomas Hakl (on the Italian esotericist, Julius Evola), and Louis Massignon (on the Cult of Fatima in Shi'ite Islam). My current translation projects are largely taking place under the auspices of Rubedo Press, where I am collaborating with other researchers and translators to bring forth rare Hermetic gems never before seen in English. In addition, the untranslated works of Jean Gebser and René Schwaller de Lubicz will also be made available via Rubedo Press. Please contact me directly if you are interested in hiring me as a translator. Otherwise, enjoy the provided selections. More translations will be uploaded as time permits.
The Basilian Aphorisms: Or the Hermetic Canons of the Spirit, Soul, and Body of the Major and Minor World. Dual language (Latin/English) edition with critical annotations. Edited, translated, and annotated by Mirco A. Mannucci & Aaron Cheak. Auckland: Rubedo Press, 2018. (Forthcoming).
Hermetic Recreations: Including the Scholium.
Dual language (French/English) edition with critical annotations. Translated and annotated by Christer Böke, John Koopmans, Stanislas Klossowski de Rola, and Aaron Cheak. Auckland: Rubedo Press, 2018.
The Winter Poem by Jean Gebser
From the Wintergedicht (1944).
“The Symbology of Hermeticism in the Work of Julius Evola”, by Hans Thomas Hakl
In Peter Forshaw, ed., Lux in Tenebris: The Visual and the Symbolic in Western Esotericism (Leiden: Brill, 2017). Translated from the German.
The Indo-Europeans: In Search of the Homeland by Alain de Benoist.
Originally published in 1966 as Les Indo-Européens (G.E.D.), Alain de Benoist’s text appeared in a revised and expanded edition in 1997 as Indo-Européens : à la recherche du foyer d’origine (Nouvelle École).
Notes on Hermeticism by René Schwaller de Lubicz
Notes et propos sur l'hermétisme, 1941
Afternoon Poems by Jean Gebser
Poesias de la Tarde, 1936/Nachmittags Gedichte, 1944
From Poetry to Kulturphilosophie
A biographical study containing numerous original translations from Gebser's works, spanning the range his career.
Alchemy as Hieratic Art by Henry Corbin
Selections from Alchimie comme art hiératique, 1986